FAQ for Principal Investigators and Research Assistants

Once you have completed the Level 1 and Level 2 MRI Safety Training course and have obtained your CPR card, you will be granted access to the MRI Lab in Zone 2 (Interview area in the MRI Lab) only. The MRI Technologist, Scientific Director, and those who have completed Operator training, are the only ones with electronic access to Zone 3 (MRI Console Room).

All MRI Lab research studies require IRB approval.

Yes, parking is available at the Rappahannock Parking Deck. Please contact Susan Tozzi in the MRI Lab for additional information.

Please request access to the Calpendo Self-Scheduling System: [email protected]. Access will be granted within 24 hours. From there, review availability and schedule. Please contact Susan Tozzi at [email protected] if you have any questions.

The MRI researcher can edit and cancel a MRI scan in the Calpendo scheduling system. Alternatively, they can contact Susan Tozzi by email at [email protected].

Currently, our policy is not to charge for participant no-shows or last minute cancellations that are beyond the control of the researcher. However, it is important to keep in mind that frequent no-shows or cancellations present problems for other research groups requesting time to use the scanner and results in loss of revenue for the facility. Therefore, we reserve the right to charge for the lost scanner time in cases of excessive participant no-shows or last minute cancellations.

Due to the COVID-19 safety precautions, we are limiting access to the MRI technologist, researcher/s (two or less), and the participant. If the participant is a minor, one parent may accompany the participant into the MRI Lab and remain seated in the lab waiting area while the scan is completed. If there is a visitor, (not a participant), who the PI or researcher would like to observe the scan, prior arrangement with the MRI Technologist, (Susan Tozzi at [email protected]), in advance of the visit is required.

Possibly. The participant must provide an implant card with the:

-Name of the device;
-The model and serial number of the device, or;
-Surgical report containing the information requested in #1 and #2

Once you obtain this, contact Susan Tozzi at [email protected] and provide information for the device safety review. You will receive an answer within two weeks on whether or not you can proceed with the MRI.

No, if you are scanning the brain or neck. The artifact from the metal distorts the image/data significantly.