Step 1
✓ Receive IRB approval for research study
Step 2
✓Preliminary Meeting – Contact Susan Tozzi to set up time to discuss your study: [email protected]
✓Please bring the following information to the meeting:
- Name(s) of research assistant(s)
- Name of your study/research project
- IRB Number
- Account number (for billing purposes) – include a billing POC and email address
- Copy of project consent form (electronic or paper)
- Discuss scan protocol and paradigms
- Receive date/time for validity testing
- Meeting time: 45 minutes to an hour
Step 3
✓Validity Testing
- Set up paradigms on stimulus computer – P.I. or Research Assistant sets up paradigms
- Set up scan sequences – MRI Technologist sets up requested scan sequences
- Provide test subject (safety screened and changed into scrubs)
- MRI Lab time: One to 1.5 hours
Step 4
✓Schedule your time in the MRI lab
- Request access to the Calpendo Self-Scheduling System: [email protected] – access granted within 24 hours
- Review availability and schedule
Step 5
Day of Study
✓Bring an original signed copy of consent form and completed MRI Safety Screening Form to the appointment.
✓The research assistant should arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the participant’s arrival.
✓The MRI Technologist will confirm the safety screening form with participant and obtain signature and confirm that the consent form has been signed.
✓The participant will change into scrubs.
✓The participant’s arrival time and departure time will be maintained in a log book.
✓The image data will be sent to [email protected]