
The George Mason University MRI Lab houses a Siemens 3T Prisma MRI scanner for human brain and whole body MRI imaging. This facility is equipped with 20 and 32 channel phased array head coil, 16 channel shoulder coil, and multiple other head/neck/ spine, body, and flex coils. Applications include imaging suites for neuro imaging, vascular, cardiac, body, oncology, and orthopedic imaging. The MRI Lab also has the Quiet Suite software with QuietX imaging sequences for noise reduction of up to 70%.

This magnet is designed to accommodate high resolution structural scans of all body parts, and structural and functional imaging of the human brain. It has the capacity to resolve specific images of gray and white matter tissue and brain structures, vasculature, basic metabolic chemistry, and functional neural systems present in the human brain.

Software packages include: Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL), Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI), Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Tractography, Flow Quantification and Spectroscopy.

An ARRT registered MR Technologist is available for scanner operation.

Additional Equipment

Center -- 20 Channel Head and Neck Coil

20 Channel Head and Neck Coil

  • 20-channel design with 20 integrated pre-amplifiers, two rings of eight elements each, and one ring with four elements
  • Upper coil part easy removable
  • Lower coil part usable without upper part for highly claustrophobic patients
  • Open, participant-friendly design
  • Cushioned head stabilizers (removable)
  • Combined coil for head and neck examination
  • iPAT-compatible in all directions
Center -- 32 Channel Head Coil

32 Channel Head Coil

  • 32-element design with 32 integrated preamplifiers
  • Upper coil part removable, designed with 12 elements
  • Lower coil part designed with 20 elements
  • Coil design with comfortable open view for visual stimulation experiments and reduction of claustrophobic response
  • iPAT-compatible
Center -- 32-Inch LCD BOLDscreen

32-Inch LCD BOLDscreen

The 32 inch LCD BOLD Screen by Cambridge Research Systems is for fMRI.

Center -- Brain Vision 64 Channel EEG System

Brain Vision 64 Channel EEG System

The Brain Vision 64 channel EEG system is for simultaneous EEG and fMRI applications.

Center -- EyeLink 1000 Eye Tracking System

EyeLink 1000 Eye Tracking System

The core system comprises the EyeLink 1000 Plus Camera and a host PC.

Center -- MRI Compatible Prescription Goggles

MRI Compatible Prescription Goggles

The MRI compatible prescription goggles are available for use on research participants who require prescription lenses.